Saturday 4 January 2014

Roll In The New Year!


Everyone seems so surprised as to where 2013 went, but to be honest, I'm just shocked at how fast Christmas flew by. We've had 3 weeks off of university for a 'break', and the last weekend has come too quickly. Not that I needed the break, but for the fact that I had so much work to do (and pub work to go to), that today has been the first day where I have stayed in and actually started to feel relaxed... and maybe a bit bored, but there's always something to do!

My Christmas was spent at the pub working, but everyone's festive and having a good time, so it doesn't really feel like work. Our family don't really celebrate on Christmas day, but instead of Christmas eve. Having lived in Norway for 8 years, we discovered this tradition and have carried it on the past 4 Christmases we have been back in the UK. I have more recently found out that this tradition is common in a lot more countries than I thought, but I assume this is due to different religions around the world. 

Then New Years Eve hit, and I spent it with my family, not having spent much time with them over Christmas. We watched Now You See Me, a really interesting movie which I managed to stay awake through the whole film (very rare!!), played some Wii, watched the fireworks and ate lots! 

As we said goodbye to 2013, I was looking back over the past year, and then into the future, and thinking 'I'm only going to be a teenager for another 6 months!'. The teenage years really seem to me, the best time of anyone's life. 

They're where you figure out who you want (or don't want) to be. 

They either build you up or tear you down. 

If anything I feel like I will come out with a strong sense of being. 

One of my friends posted online the other day, 'I feel like I'm finally in control of my decisions,' and if anything, that's not only what I want to get out of 2014, but also out of being a teenager. I'm not much of a resolution maker, but that seems like the next step!

Making decisions isn't difficult for me, I just like to know what decisions I'm going to be brought up against, so I can prepare for them. So in a way I don't like decisions... contradicting myself completely!

So much for profound rambling, I just want to make more of an effort in certain parts of my life, like keeping in contact with people, or knowing what I want, or even restraining myself sometimes. 

AND keeping up with this blog.
Using it as an out-let though, (both creative, educational and personal) might be the best way to decide what 2014 will bring!

Thanks for listening to my life!

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