Wednesday 27 November 2013

Review Time: How To Be Prepared


For a majority of the architecture students at my uni, the last week was a grueling, stressful nightmare, fighting time to finish our projects. Studying architecture, for every project we have a final review and for those who don't know, this is when our studio tutors critique our response to a brief which the whole year is given. I found that I coped pretty well with the deadline, but I know that people using computers to draw up their designs struggled, especially when they were new to the software.

Throughout the reviews you could definitely tell who struggled and who was prepared, and I'm not going to lie, my mind got a bit sidetracked and started thinking how people could have avoided this. I know that being organized isn't as simple for some than it is others, but I feel that by reminding myself of certain things I need to do, people in similar positions might benefit (maybe somewhat?!).

Things I do to prepare myself, usually in this order are...

1) Write a list of things I need to do 
You can never have enough scrap paper set aside for lists

2) Set reasonable achievements
If you think something will take a certain time, add some more time, it'll usually take longer with procrastination and all

3) Keep up with your course mates
Living with other architect students who all work at different paces, I find that knowing I'm at the same level as someone else re-assures me that I will finish in time

4) Tick things off of your list!
When I see how much I've achieved I feel really good about myself

5) Eat healthy (and don't stop taking vitamins!)
If a deadline is approaching, you don't need to be ill and spending a day in bed, getting more stressed about the work you need to do

6) Get a good nights sleep & get some me-time
When we're tired, we don't want to make decisions, we just want to sleep. Also, you don't want to present your project zombie-style

Those are the things which I have found keep me sane when coming up to a review or an important deadline, and I know everyone works different and these are probably things people have said before, but they really do work!! 

If all else fails, at least be proud and confident about the end result, then you can fool anyone.


Instagram of Final Review Layout

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