Wednesday 25 June 2014

7 Summer Boredom Remedies

Hi internet!

If you've read the title, you already know what this post is going to be about -summer time blues!
Summer leaves students with almost 4 months time on their hands, which if you compare to the academic year, is more than a semester! There's so much more to summer that slothing around, and if you're already lazing around the house, being told to get off the sofa, maybe this list is for you...

Spend more time outdoors
Unless you're a vampire and allergic to the sun, summer is the best time for the outdoors. If you're in the UK, The Lawn Tennis Association have free tennis lessons this weekend at particular gyms and leisure centres: to find out more click here!. Sports isn't the only reason to get outside - festivals, free or costly, are a great experience, and they don't always have to be camping either! I've been to Wireless Festival when it was hosted in Hyde Park, and stayed in an apartment at Earl's Court. 

Create a reading list
Another thing that can be done outside, or on a rainy day. I've got a pile of books next to my bed that I want to try and get through in the next 9 weeks; Game of Thrones, Insurgent and Pretty Little Liars #15. That being said, there are so many books out there I need to read; The Fault In Our Stars, We Were Liars, and the rest of the Game of Thrones series included! There are great book guides on Youtube if you think you've read all the books in the world.

Get a job
The title sounds harsh, but being the marmite option of the list, either people are actively looking for a job, or don't want one. Positives of getting a job: something to go on a CV, making new friends, MONEY! Negatives of getting a job: not having money. Starting to think the pros weigh out the cons here...

I know jobs are hard to find in some areas, but if you want one, you don't take no for an answer! From what I've seen, pubs are usually looking for employees. Though Waitrose may be a great place to work, their application process is vigorous, and they only hire a select few. Plus you know what they say: 'one door closes, another one opens'.

Catch up on a TV series
Game of Thrones
 Orange is the New Black
Pretty Little Liars
Gossip Girl
Ok, the last three are more girly TV shows, but there are so many out there to watch, online or boxset! Also, if you've been meaning to start watching Game of Thrones, or any TV show, and haven't watched it yet, there's no time like the present! 

Learn a new skill
Never had enough patience to learn nail art? Now's the time! With so many How To's on Youtube, it's hard to avoid not to learn something.

Have clear out
Scrap spring-cleaning, with more time on your hands you can dedicate time to putting things on e-Bay or having a swap with a friend. Recently I've been altering clothes which were too big for me. Everyone has those impulse buys which looked great in the shops, but a month later don't seem to be the same, and this is a great chance to make a wardrobe where you're happy to wear everything!

Weekend trips
The UK has so many great holiday destinations, my boyfriend and I got away to Weymouth for 2 days, and that was enough time to explore and relax whilst sitting by the pool. If that fails, be a tourist in your own town; go find a new little cafe, or spend an afternoon wandering around. Getting lost is the best way to find something new!

Sometimes these things just need a little push, but there's no reason why Summer 2014 can't be the summer of self-improvement!

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Thanks for reading x

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