Wednesday 21 May 2014

What To Do In Copenhagen: Day 1

In February we had a reading week, basically a week with no lectures, and I took this time to visit Copenhagen with my uni course. I wasn't sure what to expect when we went to Copenhagen, but after visiting, I understand why it was one of the travel choices. If you're thinking of going somewhere to look at design, Copenhagen has so much to offer. 

We had 4 days to do everything, and this is what we got up to! 

We arrived into Copenhagen Airport around midday, and made our way to our hostel in Kongens Nytorv. We made our way to our accomodation, Generator Hostel, really easy to find, and would recommend for students like us who don't mind bunking together! 

Down the road from the hostel is Nyhavn, with lots of restaurants with set menus. Lit up at night it looks beautiful!

We then wandered down Strøget, the main shopping street in Copenhagen. Apart from being filled with lots of shops, there was one building which caught our eye, seen in the picture below.

The Lego shop! Denmark being the home of Lego, makes the shop a must-see, with its massive models.

Various pictures of wandering around Rådhuspladsen

The Danish Design Centre, where they had a fashion exhibition made out of lots of straws! 

This is where we begin to look at the architecture...

The Crystal & The Cloud, by Schmidt Hammer Lassen (2010-2011)

This building is amazing to take pictures of when the sun is out and no one else is around!
We weren't able to go inside, but instead, go underneath the building.

First sight of The Black Diamond, by Schmidt Hammer Lassen (1999)

You wouldn't think The Black Diamond was built in 1999, it was truly ahead of its time!

Architecture photographer at his best!!

The Black Diamond is a public library, and if in small groups, they allow you inside. 
If you can make it to the top floor, you get to experience this view!

The front of the Danish Jewish Museum, unfortunately we didn't get to go in!

Making our way to the Danish Architecture Centre

Dinner for the first night at Skipperkroen down Nyhavn. One of the cheaper places down Nyhavn, quite fancy, but wasn't busy when we went!

That draws a close to our first day of exploring -
Be prepared for more walking, and lots more architecture! 

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